Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thinking Thursday - Zenobia Wins!

I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn't know how to get along without it. - Walt Disney

Are contest good? Is it healthy to compete? Win or lose do you learn valuable lessons?
Zenobia has been training as a warrior and she competes in an archery competition that puts her skills to the test. Read here  from chapter twenty-two in Zenobia - Birth of a Legend.

     "Congratulations!" he said in a subdued voice. She thought he sounded sincere, at least as sincere as one could in taking second in a hard fought contest. He made his last shot. It was fairly good, inside the halfway point, but Zenobia had the match. 
The judges made their way to the targets with their strings to measure the tie-break, even though Brutus told them there was no need. The shooters went along to confirm the results and to retrieve their arrows. "Well done, Diana!" Brutus told the victor. "I am not sure that even seeing it I believe it!"
"Thank you," Zenobia responded modestly. "You will win most matches shooting like that. I knew this would be close." The judges announced Zenobia as the winner and gave her the wreath of victory and a small leather purse with the prize. There was some clapping and cheering, and a few citizens came over to congratulate her. Then it was all over the people began to disperse. 
 "Fleeting glory!" she announced to Brutus.

Zenobia Wins! All her hard work in archery training pays off. Even though this was a friendly competition, the experience  sharpens her archery skills and it will save her life in the future.

The best way to improve at something is to challenge yourself.

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