Thursday, August 29, 2013



The New Musical Theater Sensation, “Zenobia” Closes this Weekend in Bolingbrook

To say that Lorrisa Julianus lives in the past would be an understatement, at least this summer.
The Bolingbrook resident co-wrote, produced and is starring in a musical about the life of Zenobia, 3rd Century warrior queen of the Palmyrene Empire in ancient Syria.
The multimedia musical spectacular premiered at Bolingbrook’s Theatre-on-the-Hill on August 15 and continues to run through Labor Day weekend.
At age 14, Julianus was inspired to reintroduce Zenobia to the modern world when she read a book about inspirational women in history. “It’s an amazing rabbit hole of history that most Americans have never heard of, and thus don’t know what’s coming next!”
According to many versions of her history, Zenobia married as a teenager to a much older king, Zenobia became queen after his assassination and ruled until she was defeated by the Roman Emperor. She also claimed to be a descendent of Cleopatra and was as capable a ruler but boasted some qualities of character that the ancient Egyptian queen lacked.
“Some sources say that she had the brains and beauty of Cleopatra…but unlike Cleopatra, was known for her chastity and prowess on the battlefield,” Julianus said.
Julianus was also struck by the fact that Zenobia’s story ended differently than other ancient queens, many of whom met tragic ends. Although history is divided on what happened to Zenobia after her defeat, many believe she went on to live a long, happy life and had descendants living for another two centuries.
Years ago, Julianus, who is a published playwright and now works as a professional actor in videogames and television, wrote a treatment for a musical film about Zenobia’s life and eventually shelved it like other writing projects she’d worked on throughout the years. In 2009, however, facing stress and chaos in her life and in the lives of friends, she decided it was time to move forward.
“Life is too short not to follow your dreams,” she said. “Creating an epic musical from scratch seemed so ambitious as to be impossible without a few million dollars, but I had no choice but to see it through to completion. Zenobia empowered to me in a time when I felt at the whim of the Powers That Be —employers, the housing market, big business, lobbyists. When I recognized this same powerless feeling and frustration in the lives of everyone struggling after the financial collapse of 2008, I found my voice again as a writer.”
In 2010, she met musician and composer Angela Salvaggione of Joliet, who liked the story idea. The pair began working on the show with Julianus writing the book and lyrics and Salvaggione composing the music.
Although Zenobia is written for the stage, it has the fast-paced feel of a film and, indeed, there is a film component to the show. A graduate from Columbia College’s film school, Julianus could not resist incorporating the medium into her stage show.
“I believe that film is the medium of this generation, this century,” she said. “So many people don’t take an interest in theatre because, I think, they’ve been brought up on the immediacy of film and its visual style of storytelling. With the advanced technical capabilities of Bolingbrook Town Center Stage, we’re able to merge the mediums in an action-packed story that kept our opening night audience on the edge of their seats.”
With palatial scenes shot at Cantigny in Wheaton, Ill., desert scenes from local quarries and background shots from in South Florida, the footage, along with period costumes by Julie Kinsey of Oswego, rounds out the story and gives the audience a stunning visual experience.
But those who think they’re in for a history lesson are mistaken. Julianus has taken a modern twist to Zenobia’s life, including a love story and a struggle between the classes, with ghosts, mythological characters, a near death experience, and onstage battles for the action lovers in the audience.
Director and Theatre-on-the-Hill President Craig J. Engel adds, “It’s musical theatre, not a documentary, and it’s a fantastic date night.”
Ms. Julianus notes that she has taken some creative liberties with the ruler’s life. Julianus’ take on the story has Zenobia abandoned as a baby, quickly ending up in slavery, then falling in love with her vigilante master. She catches the eye of the king and is catapulted to royalty, becoming a powerful ruler who shakes up the status quo despite treachery and the ever-looming threat of a villainous Roman emperor.
Within the epic-size cast of forty, the show also stars many other Bolingbrook residents, including Scott and Bonnie Bovaird, along with their two sons, Spencer and Campbell, Victor Rachal, Sharon Hand, David Lichty, Bill Smith, Ruth Bardy, Kayaun Pierce, Julie and Dominick Guida, Jonathan O'Brien, Troy Shaeflein, Kristina Parro, and Matthew Bockus.

"I am thrilled that my family is a part of Zenobia," said Bonnie Bovaird. "The story, script, and music are truly outstanding, as are the people involved in the production. we all look forward to sharing Zenobia with the community."

Zenobia runs Aug. 30 and 31 at 8 p.m. and Sept. 1 and 2 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 per person. All shows will take place outdoors at the Bolingbrook Town Center Stage, 375 W. Briarcliff Road, behind the Village Hall. The show may not be suitable for young children; Julianus rates it at PG-13 for dialogue and intense action. Visit for more information.

This article was written by  Erika Enigk Grotto on the FACEBOOK site for ZENOBIA, the live original musical by Lorrisa Julianus & Angela Salvaggione at

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Zenobia the musical in Bolingbrook, IL next weekend

We wish we could be in Illinois next weekend to watch our friend Lorrisa Julianus play Zenobia in Zenobia the musical.

At Geode Press we love finding fans of Zenobia. We read about Zenobia the musical and started corresponding with the talented Lorrisa Julianus who wrote the musical. We shared with her a copy of Zenobia-Birth of a Legend and found she loved Zenobia and her story as much as we did. In January we were able to interview Lorrisa and we wanted to share the interview again.

This is part one of the interview with Lorrisa Julianus about Zenobia the musical:

Here is part two of the interview:

Reviews from the August 15th Zenobia the musical found on Facebook at

  • "Lorrisa is a superstar. The world just hasn't figured it out yet".

  • "I attended the first-ever performance of this locally written musical, by friends Lorissa Julianus (playwright, director/producer, title role) and Angela Salvaggione (composer). I don't know what I expected, but this wasn't it! This was no "home-made" show, but a fully mature and complex musical. Outstanding orchestrations sequenced by Michael Fudala, wonderful evil/comedic turn by Sharon Hand as the villian you love to hate. Costumes were myriad and excellent, providing color clues to the identities of the sizeable chorus. A wide variety of video projection provided the depiction of location and time passage. Get there in time to peruse the program so you can understand the identity of the characters, unless you're well steeped in ancient history and mythology. The story is at least somewhat a true one. Four more performances--over Labor Day weekend. Go to support local theatre. But you'll be rewarded by the thorough entertainment and sense of awe for the accomplishment of your local friends & colleagues."

  • "The show last night was a-MAZ-ing!!! Really enjoyed the music - especially loved the ending!! The entire cast was phenomenal!! Loved Lorissa - she was a perfect Zenobia!! Also especially love Scott Bovaird and Dave Lichty's performances! Brilliant!! Special shout out to Julie Szeszol Kinsey on the AMAZING costumes - wow!!! Don't know where you get access to those sorts of costumes, but they were absolutely amazing!"

Friday, August 30 8pm
Saturday, August 31 8pm
Sunday, Sept 1 7:30pm
Monday, Sept 2 7:30pm

The original live multimedia musical by Lorrisa Julianus & Angela Salvaggione
Presented by: Theater-on-the-Hill
Bolingbrook Performing Arts Center 375 W. Briarcliff Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Rated PG-13 for dialogue and intense action
 Based on historical events

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Take our Zenobia Survey:

Before you read Russ Wallace's book Zenobia - Birth of a Legend had you ever heard about Zenobia?

I have found that most people never have and are shocked to learn Zenobia- Birth of a Legend is based on a true historical figure. 

On our blog please take the survey and let us know.

In our pursuit to know Zenobia better we've found very few articles about her life. They all vary a little but most all agree on her intelligence, strength, and beauty.

Here are a few quotes from articles on Zenobia. Enjoy! We hope, like us, your desire to learn more about this extraordinary woman grows and her story will be well-known by everyone.
"Zenobia was prepared for her role as queen. She was fluent in many languages, like Cleopatra: Greek, Latin, Egyptian, and Amharic. She was a beauty, also like Cleopatra. It is said that her voice was very harmonious, that her teeth were pearly white, that her eyes and hair were very dark, and she had manly strength."

"She had a great sense of humor. One tale goes that when Zenobia was to judge a trial about a merchant who overcharged his customers, she brought the merchant into an arena. Thinking he was going to be attacked by a beast, Zenobia let the cage open and out popped a chicken."
"Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, was brave, intelligent, level headed, practical and chocked full of sheer, raw, devil-may-care attitude...a beautiful, courageous woman, a personification of all women's values and possibilities."

"Brave as Diana and beautiful as Venus men called her; known for her wisdom, too, for had not Longinus, the philosopher, the "walking university," come out of Athens to instruct her and make her worthy of any throne? Did she not know Greek, Egyptian, Aramaic and a little Latin? She had compiled a history as well, and was versed in Plato and Homer."  
*This article appeared on pages 12-13 of the May 1962 print edition of Saudi Aramco World.Volume 13, Number 5

Friday, August 2, 2013

Who is Zenobia? A 3rd century warrior queen from Syria

A recent article on talked about the top 11 queens in history and Zenobia ranked #7. Here is the link to the full article:

"Queen Zenobia ruled the Palmyrene Empire in Roman Syria during the third century. When her husband (King Septimius Odaenathus) died, Zenobia took over. She fought the Romans, conquered Egypt and expanded her empire before eventually being defeated."

Today our world is experiencing so much sadness and injustice, especially in Zenobia’s home country of Syria. My heart goes out to these people and especially the children who are suffering. Here is a full article from

Author Russ Wallace was impressed with Zenobia and he decided to write a series following her life story. In Zenobia- Birth of a Legend, we can learn a great deal from Zenobia’s example. Zenobia's experience can even help us today battle for justice.  A novel that not only entertains but educates us and motivates us into action is what we need. Zenobia as a 3rd century warrior queen fought against Rome and today she would once again battle for justice to free her ancestral homeland Syria. Turning our hearts to our ancestors can help us through these hard times.

Book one, Zenobia – Birth of a Legend is now available at ;;  and participating bookstores and libraries.

Book two, Zenobia – Challenging a Legend will be released soon.

Wallace dedicated his first book to: “For oppressed girls and women everywhere. Hang on to your dreams and know that a better world is coming.” I think this book series is not only for strong women everywhere but for all who battle for justice.