Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thinking Thursday - Zenobia is a strong women in history like Cleopatra.

Zenobia has been compared to Cleopatra and it was also claimed that they may have been related. 

Excerpt from Zenobia – Birth of a Legend, chapter eight: 

     Zelina and Zenobia joined the caravan when it reached their camp. Zenobia was armed to the teeth. Two bows hung from the saddle on her camel, plus three quivers, and she wore her sword and dagger. She wanted to ride with the warrior escort, but her mother vetoed the idea. If there was an attack, she resolved to join the other warriors before her mother had time to object...

     “Cleopatra must have been a great seductress because she had Caesar’s child. Then, after he was killed, she became the lover of his powerful general, Mark Anthony, so that makes two high level seductions. Still, she couldn't save her family’s rulership.”

     “She did for a while,” Zelina replied, “Maybe two decades. She was so good at it that, according to some accounts, when Octavian finally defeated Mark Anthony, Octavian’s generals decided to make sure she didn't do it a third time!”

     “What do you mean? The history book said that she committed suicide by the bite of a poisonous viper.”

     “Yes, that is the official story. However, a shadow version says the generals killed her to prevent her from seducing Octavian too! You must admit, that is a spicier theory. Then they concocted the story of her suicide to keep the Egyptians from revolting. Anyway, it was two and half centuries ago and impossible to prove now. And even eyewitnesses have been known to lie.”
     Zenobia was thoughtful before adding, “I’m glad that I’m a proficient archer and have no need of seduction.”

     So we both hope, Zelina said to herself.

    There was another long pause and Zenobia continued, “You told me once that we had Egyptian blood in us and were descended from Cleopatra.”

… “Yes. We are in the line of a different Cleopatra, who likely was in the family but through a cousin or other relative rather than a direct descent. Does that make you feel better, since you did not approve of her tactics?”

     “Yes and no.” Zenobia was again quiet for a bit. “Is it possible that Cleopatra had direct descendant that survived and that some of her blood is in us through that survivor?”

     Zelina considered. “I suppose it might be possible, if unlikely.”

     "But who could disprove it anyway?” her daughter persisted.

      "After all this time it might be impossible to disprove," her mother admitted. "Why do you ask?"
     "Just curious."

Zelina did not believe that for a minute. She sighed inwardly as they rode on. 

Indeed in history Zenobia claimed to be a descendant of Cleopatra and even though it couldn't be proven it might have been used as a great tool to rally her troops in calling Egypt her ancestral home.

“Classical and Arabic sources describe Zenobia as beautiful and intelligent with a dark complexion, pearly white teeth, and bright black eyes. She was said to be even more beautiful than Cleopatra, differing though in her reputation for extreme chastity. Sources also describe Zenobia as carrying herself like a man, riding, hunting and drinking on occasion with her officers. Well educated and fluent in Greek, Aramaic, and Egyptian, with working knowledge of Latin, tradition accords her renown for hosting literary salons and surrounding herself with philosophers and poets, the most famous of these being Cassius Longinus.

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