Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thinking Thursday - Zenobia and Archery

Thinking Thursday-

Archery has become very popular sport. Movies like Hunger games, Brave, and Avengers have helped increase the popularity bringing a new awareness to archery.

Archery became the most watched event on NBC in week one at the 2012 London Olympic games. Discussed In an article for

New York Times article also questions if it is Hunger Games that made the sport popular at the Olympics.

Like Katniss in Hunger Games, Zenobia was a natural at archery. Zenobia learns that you may be good at something but you can always challenging yourself and improve.

Zenobia’s desire to become a warrior was granted. Even though it was unheard of for a girl in those days, Cam had made a deal and he stuck to it. In Chapter four we began Zenobia’s training and even though she is already skilled as an archer she still has lots to learn. Here’s an excerpt:

     “You’re holding the bow wrong,” Cam said once again. She had stubbornly resisted change.
     “It’s the way I learned, and it works,” replied Zenobia, speaking matter-of-factly. “I’m the best archer in the tribe.”
     And O so humble, thought Cam. But she was, for her age, absolutely the best he had ever seen, and he had apprenticed a lot of young warriors. He decided on an intellectual approach with her today. “You will be better if you do it my way.”
     Better. That did interest her. “How soon?” She asked.
     “Later. With a lot of practice.”
     She didn’t like that. “How much better, and how much later?”
     “I assume you want to be the best warrior you can be. So, it should not matter how much better. But, the answer is a lot better. Here’s why”…..

      Zenobia's choice of weapon is the bow and arrow which not only does it come in handy for war but for Zenobia's survival; being proficient in archery will save her life many times. There is an exciting scene when Zenobia is under attack by a leopard and even though her bow is drawn she doesn’t shoot an arrow through the deadly animal. You can read about this dangerous event in chapter five. 

Book One Zenobia – Birth of a Legend is available at;;; local bookstores and libraries.

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