Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Visit the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World- first stop Egypt: Pyramids and Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was located on a small island called Pharos near the city of Alexandria. Designed by the Greek architect Sostratos and completed around 270 B.C. during the reign of Ptolemy II, the lighthouse helped to guide Nile River ships in and out of the city’s busy harbor.

In Chapter 37 of Zenobia – Birth of a Legend, Zenobia visits the lighthouse of Alexandria with her mother and Salim. Read below where you'll experience Zenobia’s budding romance with Salim as they climb the steps of the lighthouse.

“This seems to be as tall as the great pyramid,” Salim proclaimed.
“It is,” agreed Zelina.
“Race you to the top!” Zenobia challenged Salim.
Zenobia sprinted up the stairs two at a time with Salim close behind.
At two hundred steps she was gasping for air, but so was her pursuer. Her legs were protesting, and Salim started to pass her, but she lunged ahead another fifty steps. Suddenly he grabbed her ankle, and she toppled forward, landing lightly on the steep steps. “Cheater!” she yelled as he passed her.
“All is fair in love and war!” he yelled back. Her adrenaline kicks in and she tore up the stairs after him and grabbed onto his tunic with both hands and hung on with all her strength. He dragged her up for a few steps and then collapsed and they both burst out in gasping laughter.
She pulled herself alongside him until their faces were less than a cubic apart. “And which is this, Salim,” she asked with a pant, “love or war?"

Read more excerpts as Zenobia explores the lighthouse in chapter 37 :  http://geodepress.com/thinking-thursday-zenobia-visits-another-seven-wonders-of-the-ancient-world/

In the next couple of weeks we will be discussing the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World. Here's some previous post on the most popular one, The Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest and only Ancient Wonder still standing today:

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