Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Humor, Poetry, Garden, Stress Awareness, Earth Day, and Arbor Day. What do they all have in common? Author of Zenobia - Birth of a Legend, Russ Wallace.

All month we focused on author Russ Wallace. We shared his hobbies and interests which went perfectly with the month of April. Here are some highlights: 


Humor Month


 Keep looking you’ll get it

Poetry Month- 

Here's a limerick (we hear Russ enjoy’s them).  



Garden Month - 

Grab a Shovel and Some Seeds

Health.com reported on a Netherlands study, suggesting that gardening can help to lower cortisol levels and boost mood among people who had just finished a stressful task. That’s because doing something that requires “involuntary attention” — like sitting back and enjoying nature — helps to replenish ourselves, Health.com reported.

Visit  http://www.nationalgardenmonth.org/

Ways you can participate in Garden month:

  • Visit your local farmers’ market.

  • Green up your street or a local park by picking up trash.

  • Celebrate other important “green” holidays: Earth Day (April 22) and National Arbor Day (April 26).

  • Share your garden’s bounty with a neighbor.

  • Have fun doing a gardening project with a child. Click here for some ideas.

  • Deliver houseplants or flowers to a nursing home or children’s hospital.

Stress Awareness Month-

Eat Some Chocolate

Dark chocolate doesn’t only have health benefits for the heart — eating it can also help to lower stress.

LiveScience reported on a study illustrating that eating 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate a day for a two-week period is linked with decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. That study was published in 2009 in the journal Proteome Research.


Earth Day - 

NASA had everybody on Earth help create the new image of the planet composed entirely of selfies taken during Earth Day on April 22. http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/globalselfie/#.U1QkY_ldWpB

Here’s my #GlobalSelfie

Arbor Day -

arbor day tree

Tree-hugging facts:

  • Trees produce nearly 260 pounds of oxygen per tree each year

  • Trees remove up to 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide each year per acre of trees

  • Trees can make buildings up to 20 degrees cooler in the summer

My hope is not only for you to get to know the Author of Zenobia – Birth of a Legend a little bit better but also to help you refocus your life on what’s important. Remember it’s the little changes that make all the difference.  

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