Before you read Russ Wallace's book Zenobia - Birth of a Legend had you ever heard about Zenobia?
I have found that most people never have and are shocked to learn Zenobia- Birth of a Legend is based on a true historical figure.
On our blog please take the survey and let us know.
In our pursuit to know Zenobia better we've found very few articles about her life. They all vary a little but most all agree on her intelligence, strength, and beauty.
Here are a few quotes from articles on Zenobia. Enjoy! We hope, like us, your desire to learn more about this extraordinary woman grows and her story will be well-known by everyone.
"Zenobia was prepared for her role as queen. She was fluent in many languages, like Cleopatra: Greek, Latin, Egyptian, and Amharic. She was a beauty, also like Cleopatra. It is said that her voice was very harmonious, that her teeth were pearly white, that her eyes and hair were very dark, and she had manly strength."
"She had a great sense of humor. One tale goes that when Zenobia was to judge a trial about a merchant who overcharged his customers, she brought the merchant into an arena. Thinking he was going to be attacked by a beast, Zenobia let the cage open and out popped a chicken."
"Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, was brave, intelligent, level headed, practical and chocked full of sheer, raw, devil-may-care attitude...a beautiful, courageous woman, a personification of all women's values and possibilities."
"Brave as Diana and beautiful as Venus men called her; known for her wisdom, too, for had not Longinus, the philosopher, the "walking university," come out of Athens to instruct her and make her worthy of any throne? Did she not know Greek, Egyptian, Aramaic and a little Latin? She had compiled a history as well, and was versed in Plato and Homer."
*This article appeared on pages 12-13 of the May 1962 print edition of Saudi Aramco World.Volume 13, Number 5
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