Someday I will tour the real Egypt and see all the places Zenobia would have gone, but for now, I don't need a passport to go to Luxor in Las Vegas.
While Reading Zenobia - Birth of a Legend book #1 and Zenobia - Challenging a Legend book #2 you get to spend time in Egypt. Today I tour around Luxor in Las Vegas to see if we can find some of the sights where Zenobia visited in the 3rd century.
Zenobia- Birth of a Legend chapter 29, Zenobia visits the Pyramids of Giza.
Zenobia - Birth of a Legend chapter 37, Zenobia visits Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria.
The Sphinx at Luxor in Las Vegas is in a lot better shape than the original, it's approx 4,500 years newer.
"This monumental statue, the first truly colossal royal sculpture in Egypt, known as the Great Sphinx, is a national symbol of Egypt, both ancient and modern. It has stirred the imagination of poets, scholars, adventurers and tourists for centuries and has also inspired a wealth of speculation about its age, its meaning, and the secrets that it might hold."
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