We found a great website geared towards writers and we wanted to share with our author friends in hopes it can help you too. Check it out http://www.worldliterarycafe.com/
WLC has tweet teams, FaceBook teams, and blog teams that you follow them and they follow you. We only had 3 followers for the longest time at http://geodepress.blogspot.com/ and now we have 23 and are still growing. We've found new and exciting authors we enjoy interacting with.
Our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/geodepress is about to hit our 200th like and we have WLC to thank for that. Come like us on Facebook for a chance to win a copy of Zenobia- Birth of a Legend.
Our twitter account https://twitter.com/Zenobiaseries has grown leaps and bounds with great authors and readers to follow all from joining this great community.
It's a one stop shop for all your needs as an author. Readers get free books and learn about new authors on the rise. Check them out, you'll be glad you did.
Here are some places to connect with WLC:
Follow on Twitter
@Melissa_Foster (Founder)
Like on Facebook
World Literary Cafe
Feel free to leave your links on Facebook pages!
WLC promotes the writing community!
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