Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Zenobia demonstrates gravity with her bow and arrow. Read all about it.

Tuesday Teaser Zenobia – Challenging a Legend 

In book two, Zenobia - Challenging a Legend, Zenobia's favorite class is Critical Thinking. Not only because she loved to expand her knowledge but also because she found her Professor, Longinus very intriguing. Here are some sentences from Chapter 11. 

     When there were no more hands, Longinus said, “Smells and sounds and sights all exert an influence on us, which we might call a type of power or force.  However, we today will concern ourselves with physical forces that are invisible to our eyes.  I asked Zenobia to bring her bow today for a demonstration.  Let’s go outside.”  

     He led them to a nearby park. When they arrived he asked, “How far can you shoot an arrow, Zenobia?” 

     “Normally, 100 paces is considered maximum range. Farther and the accuracy drops off quickly. I can shoot farther, but I am not skilled at that distance.”

    “Good.  Shoot an arrow straight out, please, horizontal, no lift to it.”  He pointed in a direction for the moment devoid of people.  She strung her bow and made the shot.  He noted her professional stance and release. 

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