Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Books in Hand

We finally got two books shipped to us on Monday. Now this may not sound like much.....but we are getting over three thousand more on Thursday. So there should be plenty to go around for a while. The cost of the book is $25. The best way to order them is to go to and order from the website, however it is still a work in progress so if you can't order there then feel free to contact me. It is really something special to work for so long and hard at something and finally to have it bear fruit. Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me throughout this ongoing process.


  1. This is awesome Russ. I need to have my book autographed by you. It is so exciting to actual have the book and read it the old fashion way. I haven't been able to put it down since I got it. Thanks for writing such an great story about an intriguing woman in history. Zenobia Rocks!! I'm looking forward to Book 2 already!!

  2. So cool! I can't wait to get a copy myself. This truly was years in the making for you; your dreams are coming true!
