"Zenobia is an inspirational story of a young woman trying to find her way in a male dominated world. She fights her passion for learning and her quest for justice, for her desire to prove a girl can be just a good warrior as any man.
Enjoy her adventures as you read this wonderful novel by Russell Wallace."
Review by Maria Romrell
I received this review for Zenobia – Birth of a Legend the other day and the reader said I've never done a review before. I thought about the thousands of readers who also have never written a review. Author http://www.melissafoster.com/and owner of http://www.worldliterarycafe.com/ posted this statement. “Did you know that positive reviews and sharing of books you love is a great way to thank and support your favorite authors? Even authors with hundreds of reviews appreciate each one they receive. Authors work hard to produce books you can enjoy. Share the love.”
Every time I post a review on Amazon I get a computer generated email that says thanks for reviewing as millions of buyers depend on this.
Why I started writing book reviews? I am reading all the time and when I started a blog for my writing (because that’s what my writing group suggested), coming up with material to blog about wasn't as easy and so the decision to combine my love for reading into my blog was a simple idea. On my blog I shared a great article on how to write a review: http://juliemartinwallace.blogspot.com/2012/03/i-decided-since-i-love-reading-i-might.html
Hopefully this will help you write a review for the next book you read. You may still ask yourself why should I write a review? Here are a couple thoughts on why I think everyone should write a review:
- As a personal journal to keep track of books you read and enjoyed
- To socialize and share with others what you loved reading
- To let authors know you appreciate the time and talent they share with the world
There are probably many other reasons to write a review but these are a few that motivate me. As a reviewer, every time I read a book I post a review on my blog, on Amazon, on Barnes and Noble, and on Goodreads in hopes it will help you decide on your next book to read; and if you do the same than I can decide on my next book To Be Read.
Happy reading and sharing!